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  • Hal Jackson’s Heavenly 106th Birthday
    & 50 Years of Hal Jackson’s Talented Teens International

Promoting Culture and Education


Talia Adams

Hampton University

Damaris Brown

Lincoln University

Leshae Chadwick

Virginia State University

Niesha Jacobs

University of Maryland

Bianca James

Morgan State University

Leah Springer

Virginia State University

Mission Statement

For over 50 years the mission of the Youth Development Foundation, Inc. (YDF) has been to empower young women of color through education and opportunity. As a non-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, we are dedicated to promoting culture and fostering academic achievement by awarding scholarships. By alleviating financial barriers, we enable these talented individuals to pursue their educational aspirations unhindered, nurturing their potential for future leadership in diverse fields. Through our commitment to scholarship, we aim to create a more inclusive society where every young woman has the opportunity to thrive and make a positive impact.